Programs Offered


Social Welfare Oriented


Enriching International Exposure


Comprehensive Learning Experience


Faculty of Social Work

With the ever-changing trends in global social issues, environmental impacts, political and economic pandemics, human welfare continues to suffer adverse impacts which possess reversable and irreversible consequences. The Faculty of Social Work is dedicated towards grooming and developing personnel who are skilled and well groomed in the practice of channelling resources towards discovering alleviative measures which bring about the maximum amount of welfare for the people and humanity as whole. The field is merely not a profession, it is a manner of service which is rendered to humanity by those who are dedicated and committed towards the betterment of the lives of women, men and children. We focus on getting our students acquainted with the current world affairs as well as the Indian affairs through constant research and data mining processes, so as to enhance, clarify and spread awareness on the path of finding solutions for the betterment of humanity. So, take the first step towards a bright future in social work.


To create a pool of well-trained and socially committed individuals who can bring about the
required social change in the society through their field work in NGOs/Other Organizations


To offer programmes which have relevance to social issues and also management of human
resources in tackling the emerging issues

Why Study Social Work?

Social Work is more than just a career, it is a service that is rendered by the individuals for the welfare and well-being of humanity as a whole, thus guaranteeing the highest form of fulfillment.

An individual acquires effective interpersonal skills and communicative abilities essential in problem solving and counselling with the highest degree of empathy and collective corporation to drive a positive change.

The world today is facing endless issues and challenges. In regards to maintaining social order, with the rise of social causes and the evolving scope of human rights, a social work career becomes of great essential in regards to navigating this space.

Social work is a very versatile field, which grants an individual the highest level of flexibility, resulting in endless career prospects as Social Workers, Public Welfare Managers, Consultants in top NGOs and the United Nations.

What makes
PU Faculty of Social Work unique?

A Unique focus on practical training through field works, rural camps and study tours.
A highly comprehensive curriculum which develops the students’ interpersonal skills.
Extensive social based research and effective ties with various organizations and NGOs.
Our Strategic International ties provide our students with a wide range of exposure to Global Social Issues.

Message from
the Dean

The society has been since time immemorial a complex organism, it is an 'organism' because it is living and compromises of a wide range of interlinked elements, it is 'complex' because all of these elements are ever evolving. As the Dean of Faculty of Social Work, I believe today more than ever, that the social movements through various social work empowered activities have found a place of great significance by impacting real time change in the world. I am more than delighted to be a part of a faculty that is dedicated towards producing the most effective human resources who not only have the capacity but the courage to drive a social change in the world around us. Being in India we are surrounded by a magnitude of social figures who changed the scope of humanity, the likes of Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi and to quote him he says “Be the change you want to see in the world”, this is a message I carry for all my students here, to first change themselves into becoming positive individuals if they truly want to see positivity in the world. I welcome all my aspiring Social Work students, to this endless journey for the betterment of humanity.

Dr. M. N Parmar


What Students Say

All the students from this field are filled with compassion to help humankind, the job of any college is to provide skills to make this solicitude to right use. PU Faculty of Social Work does that effectively.

Karan Nanda

The programme has helped me to excel in this field through interaction with teachers, field visits, and regular group discussions. This has instilled in me a mixture of qualities, due to which I am able to work effectively for NGOs.

Khyati Mishra

My course syllabus has been successful enough in bringing light to different oppressed conditions of people, communities and groups. Having a beforehand knowledge regarding this has successfully allowed me to advocate these social issues confidently.

Kinjal Popat

PU Faculty of Social Work was the right fit for me, because it has students coming from different states and nations. I mixed up well with all these diverse people and gained knowledge so distinct, which has given me a very varied vision.

Monterio Albino Nhacassa

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